Friday, November 25, 2016

what is junk food ?

Andrew F. Smith, in his book, Encyclopedia of Junk Food and Fast Food defines junk food as "those commercial products, including candy, bakery goods, ice cream, salty snacks, and soft drinks, which have little or no nutritional value but do have plenty of calories, salt, and fats. While not all fast foods are junk foods, most are. Fast foods are ready-to-eat foods served promptly after ordering. Some fast foods are high in calories and low in nutritional value, while other fast foods, such as salads, may be low in calories and high in nutritional value.

Junk foods have empty calories as the energetic content is not complemented with proteins and lipids required for nutritious alimentation. François Magendie showed by experiment in 1816 that dogs died when fed only sugar. It has been noted that the metabolic cost of processing empty calories drains a body of resources and is debilitating.

Foods commonly considered junk foods include salted snack foodsgumcandy, sweet dessertsfried fast food, and sugary carbonated beverages. Many foods such as hamburgerspizza, and tacos can be considered either healthy or junk food depending on their ingredients and preparation methods. The more highly processed items usually fall under the junk food category, including breakfast cereals that are mostly sugar or high-fructose corn syrup and white flour or milled corn.

Especially in the case of ethnic foods, a classification as "junk food" could be perceived as rather offensive, given that such foods may have been prepared and consumed for centuries and may contain healthy ingredients. In the book, Panic Nation: Unpicking the Myths We're Told About Food and Health, a complementary point is argued: food is food, and if there is no nutritional value, then it isn't a food of any type, "junk" or otherwise. Co-editor Vincent Marks explains, "To label a food as 'junk' is just another way of saying, 'I disapprove of it.' There are bad diets - that is, bad mixtures and quantities of food - but there are no 'bad foods' except those that have become bad through contamination or deterioration.

SO, Junk food is a pejorative term for cheap food containing high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little fiberproteinvitamins or minerals. Junk food can also refer to high protein food like meat prepared with saturated fat - which some believe may be unhealthy, although some studies have shown no correlation between saturated fat and cardiovascular diseases; many hamburger outlets, fried chicken outlets and the like supply food considered as junk food.
Despite being labeled as "junk," such foods usually do not pose any immediate health concerns and are generally safe when integrated into a well balanced diet. However, concerns about the negative health effects resulting from the consumption of a "junk food"-heavy diet, especially obesity, have resulted in public health awareness campaigns, and restrictions on advertising and sale in several countries.

How to recognise Junk foods
Snacks such as ice cream, Milk shakes, soda, fizzy carbonated beverages, soda, breakfast cereals, cookies, candies, chips, pizza, burgers, tacos, chicken submarine sandwiches and instant noodles, in addition to indian curries and kebabs fall under the category of junk foods.
As the old adage goes that too much of anything is good for nothing, likewise junk foods are processed with nitrates, for sustaining their flavour and freshness for longer duration besides enhancing their mouth-watering taste.

Understanding the Nutrition label
It is crucial to read the list of main ingredients on the label, to determine if the food is laden with fat, salt and sugar. To avoid any chances of an impending health hazard caused by junk foods, it would be wise to check the sodium, sugar, cholesterol and fibre content besides the amount of calories and fat contained in the product.
Fat content
The required consumption of fat per day is 25 to 30% of the total calories, to enable proper functioning of the fat-soluble vitamins that is responsible for creating a feeling of being full and satiated.  Nevertheless, excess amounts of saturated fats, consumed in the form of fried chicken, burgers and pizzas clog the arteries leading to cardiovascular diseases, stroke, premenstrual syndrome, arthritis, cancer and obesity 
Sodium content
Junk foods contain sodium in abundance, especially in foods such as breakfast cereals, cookies and pastries.  Since the daily requirement of sodium is 2300 milligrams per serving, excess intake is likely to lead to life-threatening diseases. Nonetheless, sodium in conjunction with potassium plays a major role in maintaining the water balance in the body. However, taking sodium in moderation is recommended, as excess amounts lead to fluid retention.

Sugar content
Creamilicious cakes, cookies, lollies, candies and soft drinks, a favourite among kids, acquire their delicious taste, due to their surplus sugar content.  Since the body converts sugar to fat, they cause more harm than good in the long run, resulting in orthodontic problems and obesity.
Fibre content
Listed in grams, the dietary fibre undergoes a change in quantity, depending upon the product.  A sufficient quantity of two grams dietary fibre per serving is recommended for good health.  However, high fibre foods are those with quantities of five plus grams.

List of Junk Food

·         Sugars, Refined foods, like sugar and plain flour (maida) based items including white bread and most packaged goods, like Twinkies and sugar donuts, etc. (Sugar Substitutes). Our body eventually turns sugars into fat. If you consume just 3 tsp of sugar daily, imagine how much sugar you would have consumed by the time you are 50 years of age, it will be about 275 kg !, about 5 time your weight !!
·         Fats & Hydrogenated oils They are found in cookies, chips, candy bars, fried foods, muffins, bologna, etc. etc. Many snacks, such as potato chips, cheeseburgers and fries, have high levels of fat, sugar or salt-ingredients that are usually best limited to a small portion of your diet. The saturated fat mainly comes from animal products. Remember there is nothing that is useful for our body in foods with hydrogenated or trans fat. The excessive fats stick to our arteries and cause the blockages leading to heart disease and strokes. They can also aid to cancer, arthritis, PMS and sexual dysfunction.
Some fats like Omega-3 fatty acids are good for our bodies.
·         Salt: Excessive salt is not good for our body (Daily Salt Recommendation). However, sodium in moderate amount, along with potassium, maintains the water balance in our body. But too much sodium can cause high blood pressure. Pretzels, chips and many canned food items contain excessive salt. (High sodium food list)
·         Below is a detailed list of junk foods:
1.     Fast food: Fish & Chips, Pizza, Burger, Fried chicken, Sausages, Noodles, Pasta, Noodles, etc.
2.     Snacks &, Desserts: Hot-dogs, Donuts, Potato chips, French fries, Crisps, Popcorn, Sweets, Biscuits, Icecream, Tacos, Potato wedges, Pancakes, Biscuits,Cookies, etc.French Fries, Potato Chips and other deep fried snacks are sources of cholesterol, trans fats, and salt that work towards clogging the arteries. French fries are full of fat. So, when you eat a large serving of 220 g, you are exceeding the safe limit for trans fats. 
In fried potato chips 50-60 % of calories come from fats.
A packet of Maggi noodles has around 3 g of salt, whereas the recommended salt intake is 6 g daily. Maggi has a lot of empty calories, with 70 % of it being just carbohydrates!White pasta is full of cream. Instead, you should eat pasta in tomato sauce.
3.     Carbonated Beverages contain a very high concentration of sugar. Their sugar-free or zero varieties contain sweeteners like aspartame that are harmful if consumed over a period.
4.     Burgers are the worst junk foods. They contain everything we shouldn't eat. They contain sauces high in sugar and sodium, fried patties loaded with trans-fats, cheese containing high amount of dairy fat and mayonnaise with preservatives and egg yolks.Vegetarian burgers contain 35 % calories, while non-vegetarian burgers 47 % calories that come from fats.
5.     Ice Creams: Creamier ice creams are the worst junk foods. A single serving of most ice creams can contain more than 15 g of fat and high amounts of sugar, increasing waistline.
6.     Pizzas are relatively safe as they had low levels of salt and fats. But, those packed with cheese were in the danger zone.
7.     Drinks & Soft drinks containing sugar: : Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Lemonade, Hot chocolate, Milkshake
8.     Cakes: Creamy cakes contain a highly processed, uncooked form of carbohydrate. This kind of white bread has a high glycemic index which in combination with the high amount of sugar ensures that the blood sugar levels are boosted instantly.Try Indian sweets like kheer and rasgulla instead of cakes and pastries.
9.     Sugary Cereals Most of the popular brands of so called healthy cereals coated with sugar, like fruit loops that contains a high concentration of synthetic sugar, are actcually not healthy.

 ref : 



A letter is a written message from one party to another containing information. Letters promote the preservation of communication between both parties; they may bring friends or relatives closer together, enrich professional relationships and provide a means of self-expression. Letters contribute to the protection and conservation of literacy.  Letters have been sent since antiquity and are mentioned in the Iliad.  Works by both Herodotus and Thucydides also mention letters .

History Of writing LetterHistorically, letters have existed from the time of ancient India, ancient Egypt and Sumer, through Rome, Greece and China, up to the present day. During the seventeenth and eighteenth century, letters were used to self-educate. Letters were a way to practice critical reading, self-expressive writing, polemical writing and also exchange ideas with like-minded others. For some people, letters were seen as a written performance. For others, it was not only seen as a performance but also as a way of communication and a method of gaining feedback. Letters make up several of the books of the Bible. Archives of correspondence, whether for personal, diplomatic, or business reasons, serve as primary sources for historians. At certain times, the writing of letters has risen to be an art form and a genre of literature, for instance in Byzantine epistolography.In the ancient world letters were written on a various different materials, including metal, lead, wax-coated wooden tablets, pottery fragments, animal skin, and papyrus. From Ovid, we learn that Acontius used an apple for his letter to Cydippe.As communication technology has diversified, posted letters have become less important as a routine form of communication. For example, the development of the telegraph drastically shortened the time taken to send a communication, by sending it between distant points as an electrical signal. At the telegraph office closest to the destination, the signal was converted back into writing on paper and delivered to the recipient. The next step was the telex which avoided the need for local delivery. Then followed the fax (facsimile) machine: a letter could be transferred electrically from the sender to the receiver through the telephone network as an image. Today, the internet, by means of email, plays a large part in written communications; however, these email communications are not generally referred to as letters but rather as e-mail (or email) messages, messages or simply emails or e-mails, with only the term "letter" generally being reserved for communications on paper.

Adventages Of Letters
Despite email, letters are still popular, particularly in business and for official communications. Letters have the following advantages over email:
·         No special device is needed to receive a letter, just a postal address, and the letter can be read immediately on receipt.
·         An advertising mailing can reach every address in a particular area.
·         A letter provides immediate, and in principle permanent, physical record of communication, without the need for printing. Letters, especially those with a signature and/or on an organization's own notepaper, are more difficult to falsify than is an email and thus provide much better evidence of the contents of the communication.
·         A letter in the sender's own handwriting is more personal than an email.
·         If required, small physical objects can be enclosed in the envelope with the letter.
·         Letters are unable to transmit malware or other harmful files that can be transmitted by email.
·         Letter writing leads to the mastery of the technique of good writing.
·         Letter writing can provide an extension of the face-to-face therapeutic encounter.

The Letter Delivery Process
Here is how a letter gets from the sender to the recipient:
1.   Sender writes letter and places it in an envelope on which the recipient's address is written in the centre front of the envelope. Sender ensures that the recipient's address includes the Zip or Postal Code (if applicable) and often includes his/her return address on the envelope.
2.   Sender buys a postage stamp and attaches it to the front of the envelope on the top right corner on the front of the envelope. (For large amount mailings, postage stamps are not used: a franking machine or other methods are used to pay for postage.
3.   Sender puts the letter in a postbox.
4.   The national postal service of the sender's country (e.g. Royal MailUKUS Postal ServiceUSAustralia Post in Australia; or Canada Post in Canada) empties the postbox and takes all the contents to the regional sorting office.
5.   The sorting office then sorts each letter by address and postcode and delivers the letters destined for a particular area to that area's post office. Letters addressed to a different region are sent to that region's sorting office, to be sorted further.
6.   The local post office dispatches the letters to their delivery personnel who deliver them to the appropriate addresses.
This whole process, depending on how far the sender is from the recipient, can take anywhere from a day to 3–4 weeks. International mail is sent via trains and airplanes to other countries.
However, in 2008, Janet Barrett from the UK, received a RSVP to a party invitation addressed to 'Percy Bateman', from 'Buffy', originally posted on 29 November 1919. It had taken 89 years to be delivered by the Royal Mail.

 Ref : 

Surat Keluhan ( Complaint Letter )

  1. Keluhan mengenai keterlambatan barang

Saraswati Secretarial Collage
Jln. Tukat Gerinding No.892A
Denpasar, Bali 80225
  25th August 1992

  Toko Buku Gramedia
  Jln. Matraman Raya No.42-44
  Jakarta Pusat 14140

  Dear Sirs,

  On 5th August 1992, we ordered 100 copies of Secretarial Practice, a book by Drs.E.Martono and enlosed a cheque for Rp  1.000.000,- in payment of them.
  As we requested, this book was needed for the college session beginning 10th August 1992, but the books did not arrive on time.

  We would be glad if you look into the  matter and let us know when the books will arrive at our address.

  Yours Faithfully,
  Saraswati Secretarial College

  Ida Ayu Pidada

  Enc: A Copy Of Chaque

2. Surat Keluhan Mengenai Barang Yang Rusak 

Brown & Carter
466 Main Street
   FJ/MM                                                                                        20th August 2015

  Mr.Frank William 
  General Mercantile Ltd.
  123 Nelson Street
  London, E.C.2

  Dear Mr.William,
      Referring to our order No.266, we regret to inform you that our customer has refused to take delivery of 2 out of 10 cases of Philip tape recorders because the goods were badly damaged during transit.

     There was nothing wrong with the forwading company in transporting the goods. The main cause of damage was due to the improper packing in your Warehouse Department. The Material; from which the two cases were made was so poor that it is easyly broken with slight pressure.

     This is the first time we have had to complain, and we have no other alternative but to return the goods. We would require replacment for the damaged goods as soon as possible.

                                                                                                    Your Faithfully,

                                                                                                      Frank Jackson

3. Surat Keluhan mengenai barang yang tidak cocok dengan mutu sampel yang diberikan. 

40 Floor Street West
Toronto, Ontario
                                                                                                12th February 2015

    Sinta Jaya Textiles
    Jln. Cimone Raya 15
    Tangerang, Indonesia

   Dear Sirs,
   We are very sorry to have to inform you that your last delivery is not up to your usual standard. The material, seems to beossely wovwn and is inclioned to pull out shape. By separate mail, we have sent you cutting from this material, also one from cloth of an early consignment, so that you can compare the two and see the difference in texture.

   We have always been able to rely on the high quality of the materials you sent us and we are all the more dissapointed in this case because we supplied the cloth to new customers. As we shall have to take back we must ask you to let us know, without delay, what you can do to help in getting over this difficulty.

                                                                                                   Best Regerads,

                                                                                                     Frank Simon 

4. Surat Keluhan mengenai barang yang salah 

Samsons & Sons Ltd.
12 Queen Street
Liverpool, England
    JS/MR                                                                                  2nd September 2005

      SANYO CO.Ltd
    Minatoku Cho-ku

    Dear Sirs,
                                                         OUR ORDER NO.JT 33
     We have received the documents and taken delivery of the goods which arrived at Port Elizabeth on the s>s Castle yesterday.
     We are much obliged to you for the prompt execution of this order. Everything seems to be correct and in good condition expect in case no.14.

     Unfortunately when we opened this case we found it contained completely differnt articles from those ordered, and we can only think that a mistake has been made and that this case is part of another order.

     As we need the articles we ordered to complete deliveries to our customer, we must ask you to arrange for replacement to be despatched at once. We attach the list of contents of case no. 14, and would be glad if you would check this against our order and your copy of the invoice. In the meantime we are holding the case at your disposal. Please let us know what you wish to do with it.

                                                                                                   Yours Faithfully,

                                                                                                     John Smith

Encl: A list Of Wrong Goods 

Ref : 
  • Hartono, Judi S., English Business Correspondence, Setia Karya Press, Jakarta 1971
  • Matono E., english correspondence for young generation, karya utama, jakarta, 1994
  • suyarto,hetty rosdiana s, english business correspondence, humaniora utama, bandung, 1991